The Aliveness of All Things

I speak the language of wind and daylight,
You’ll find me under glittering canopies made alive by breezes of spring,
You’ll find me in the ebb and flow of liquid bodies in moon dances of water and blood,
Take refuge in these spoken silences for they perforate static,
And reveal the aliveness of all things

Sunset Wisdom

They greeted each other in stillness and she was met with the sweetest taste of a moment that lingered for lifetimes yet never long enough. The Sun taught her to speak the language of the Gods and they communicated in a knowing; a knowing of beginnings and ends and of inner truths. She lay still and open under the warmest of hues, thick and golden like honey. It washed over every inch of the landscape and drenched her skin, her pores soaking in the final sigh of the day. Everything and everyone was immersed in a glow that radiated an inconceivable grace. These momentary glimpses of truth revealed all things as one and the same, with the memory of her origins speaking in soft whispers.

Departing almost as soon as it had arrived the sun bid her goodbye, delivering her gently into the night that had cast a peppered Prussian blue across an endless canvas. The promise of tomorrow hung wistfully in the air and she cradled the gentle reminder that every end has a new beginning.